Test 1: Switch module on/off Pushing on/off button in neattools module results in the following sequence of alert boxes: 1 : READ_PC_CARD_TYPE - About to read PC card type [ OK ] 2 : READ_PC_CARD_TYPE - It is OxiCard [ OK ] 3 : OXI_POWER_ON - About to turn on the power of oxi module [ OK ] 4 : RESET_OXICARD - About to reset the oxi module [ OK ] Oxicard switches on ( sensor light activates ) No data appears in data output boxes Pushing button off results in following alerts: 1 : SPIROCARD_SLEEP : About to set the pc card into sleep mode [ OK ] 2 : STATUS : Testapp About to close the driver [ OK ] Test 2: Connect the timer First switch on module and then connect the timer to the qrs neattool module 1 : READ_PC_CARD_TYPE - About to read PC card type [ OK ] 2 : READ_PC_CARD_TYPE - It is OxiCard [ OK ] 3 : OXI_POWER_ON - About to turn on the power of oxi module [ OK ] 4 : RESET_OXICARD - About to reset the oxi module [ OK ] Oxicard switches on ( sensor light activates ) No data appears in data output boxes Connect timer 1000ms to qrs ntt module clock input n : OXI_SPO2PULSEBUFFER - Waiting for valid sp02 data. Continue? [ Yes ] [ No ] Pushing [Yes] or [No] pops up same alert box again Oxisensor light is on No data change in output Only way to exit OXI_SPO2PULSEBUFFER alert is to disconnect timer --------------- Test with QRS Office medic running in EKG in the background: -EKG works -ntt module doesnt crash, light in oxisensor stays on not replicable Test 1 Managed to get streaming data from pulse ox card into ntt module Dont know how Test 2 2.1 Use OfficeMedic to connect to pulseox card first 2.2 Wait for data stream 2.3 Record sample for 15 seconds 2.4 Close sp02 reader in office medic 2.5 Start ntt module, start qrs module, start timer OXI_SPO2PULSEBUFFER alert [y][n] >COMPLETE SYSTEM CRASH ctrl-alt-del wont even work Test 3 Restart as per 2.1, 2.2 Connect ntt module Data streams to ntt and office medic concurently Module reader succesful. Implementation needs modification. PROBLEM: Need to read oxicard independently of OfficeMedic. OfficeMedic can only access EKG / OXi one at a time. We want OfficeMedic to access and process EKG while neattools independently polls OxiCard and collects pulse rate (integer) and percentO2 (integer)