CSV ver 2 - 2012/01/18


node table field descriptions

Scene Snapshot

Field name type description
id int node ID used for pin tree relationship graph
type int node type - camera, grid, pin, etc... (see key table)
data int additional node specific data, defined by the node type
selected int selection set status, 1 if part of active set, 0 if not
parent int ID of parent node
branch_level int root node is 0, each sub-level is 1, 2, 3, 4...n
child_array int same as nodeID
child_index int currently selected child node
child_count int number of child nodes attached (current max is 266)
channel x int channel number, mapped to translate x
channel y int channel number, mapped to translate y or scale
channel z int channel number, mapped to color offset
channel_index_x int previous data update time-stamp (last read)
channel_index_y int previous data update time-stamp (last read)
channel_index_z int previous data update time-stamp (last read)
average_type_x int *type of averaging applied to channel data
average_type_y int *type of averaging applied to channel data
average_type_z int *type of averaging applied to channel data
sample_interval_x int *number of samples to average
sample_interval_y int *number of samples to average
sample_interval_z int *number of samples to average
rotate_vec_x float reserved - unit vector calculated from rotate_x/y/z
rotate_vec_y float reserved - unit vector calculated from rotate_x/y/z
rotate_vec_z float reserved - unit vector calculated from rotate_x/y/z
rotate_vec_s float reserved - unit vector calculated from rotate_x/y/z
scale_x float 1.0 for no scaling, negative value inverts geometry
scale_y float 1.0 for no scaling, negative value inverts geometry
scale_z float 1.0 for no scaling, negative value inverts geometry
translate_x float longitude, relative to parent coordinate system
translate_y float latitude, relative to parent coordinate system
translate_z float altitude, relative to parent coordinate system
origin_x float reserved - local origin offset, for centering
origin_y float reserved - local origin offset, for centering
origin_z float reserved - local origin offset, for centering
rotate_rate_x float angular velocity rate applied per cycle
rotate_rate_y float angular velocity rate applied per cycle
rotate_rate_z float angular velocity rate applied per cycle
rotate_x float heading, 0 to 360 deg
rotate_y float tilt, 0 to 180 deg
rotate_z float roll, -180 to 180
scale_rate_x float scaling rate applied per cycle
scale_rate_y float scaling rate applied per cycle
scale_rate_z float scaling rate applied per cycle
translate_rate_x float velocity rate applied per cycle
translate_rate_y float velocity rate applied per cycle
translate_rate_z float velocity rate applied per cycle
translate_vec_x float reserved
translate_vec_y float reserved
translate_vec_z float reserved
shader int *shader type, flat, phong... (see key table)
geometry int primitive type used (see key table)
line_width float line width used for wireframes and line plots
point_size float vertex point size used for plots
ratio float ratio effects geometry such as inner radius of a torus
color_index int color index from color palette (see key table)
color_r int 8bit RGBA color value (typically set by color_index)
color_g int 8bit RGBA color value (typically set by color_index)
color_b int 8bit RGBA color value (typically set by color_index)
color_a int 8bit RGBA alpha transparency of node (not set by index)
color_fade int *fades older data points over time
texture_id int texture map ID, none = 0, starts at 1, 2, 3...
hide int hides the plot if set to 1
freeze int freezes the plot if set to 1
topo int topology type, cube, sphere, torus... KML coordinates
facet int facet node belongs to, such as which side of a cube
autozoom_x int *auto-zooms plots to keep in bounds of the screen
autozoom_y int *auto-zooms plots to keep in bounds of the screen
autozoom_z int *auto-zooms plots to keep in bounds of the screen
trigger_hi_x int if 1 then turn on upper limit
trigger_hi_y int if 1 then turn on upper limit
trigger_hi_z int if 1 then turn on upper limit
trigger_lo_x int if 1 then turn on lower limit
trigger_lo_y int if 1 then turn on lower limit
trigger_lo_z int if 1 then turn on lower limit
limit_hi_x float upper limit
limit_hi_y float upper limit
limit_hi_z float upper limit
limit_lo_x float lower limit
limit_lo_y float lower limit
limit_lo_z float lower limit
proximity_radius_x float *reserved for future proximity and collision detection
proximity_radius_y float *reserved for future proximity and collision detection
proximity_radius_z float *reserved for future proximity and collision detection
proximity_x float *reserved for future proximity and collision detection
proximity_y float *reserved for future proximity and collision detection
proximity_z float *reserved for future proximity and collision detection
segments_x int number of segments, 0 for none, grid default is 12
segments_y int number of segments, 0 for none, grid default is 12
segments_z int number of segments, 0 for none, grid default is 1
value int user defined value, variable can be whatever you want..
format_id int *draw the label by id
table_id int *table id maps external DB used by record id and format
record_id int record ID is the external source DB record key
size int size in bytes of memory used per node



Key Tables


type (node type)

type - key table
value desc
1 kNodeCamera
2 kNodeVideo
3 kNodeSurface
4 kNodePoints
5 kNodePin
6 kNodeGrid



value desc
0 default
1 cube
2 sphere
3 torus
4 surface
5 pin
6 grid


cube facet map

value desc
1 pos X
2 neg X
3 pos Y
4 neg Y
5 pos Z
6 neg Z



value desc
0 kNPglutWireCube
1 kNPglutSolidCube
2 kNPglutWireSphere
3 kNPglutSolidSphere
4 kNPglutWireCone
5 kNPglutSolidCone
6 kNPglutWireTorus
7 kNPglutSolidTorus
8 kNPglutWireDodecahedron
9 kNPglutSolidDodecahedron
10 kNPglutWireOctahedron
11 kNPglutSolidOctahedron
12 kNPglutWireTetrahedron
13 kNPglutSolidTetrahedron
14 kNPglutWireIcosahedron
15 kNPglutSolidIcosahedron
16 kNPprimitivePin
17 kNPprimitiveWirePin
18 kNPglutWireTeapot
19 kNPglutSolidTeapot



value desc
1 kShadingWire
2 kShadingFlat
3 kShadingGouraud
4 kShadingPhong
5 kShadingReflection
6 kShadingRaytrace


index color


value RGB value color desc
0 50, 101, 101 steel grey
1 0, 255, 0 green
2 255, 0, 0 red
3 0, 0, 255 blue
4 255, 255, 0 yellow
5 152, 0, 255 purple
6 255, 168, 0 gold
7 0, 255, 255 cyan
8 255, 0, 255 magenta
9 0, 153, 0 dark green
10 185, 153, 102 tan
11 255, 180, 255 pink
12 0, 152, 255 sky blue
13 185, 255, 0 light green
14 152, 0, 0 dark red
15 127, 127, 127 grey
16 127, 127, 255 light purple
17 197, 82, 0 rust
18 0, 0, 0 black
19 255, 255, 255 white