Natural Disaster Sequence

These stills depicts a natural disaster occurring in a remote civilization. The perceptualization is rendered in terms of multiple data inputs. An important distinction to make is that a horizontal "ring" is geometrically and representationally different than a vertical "torus".

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This overview of the affected area shows one central civilization surrounded by four peripheral satelite communities. The one furthest right in the frame and most distant from the main civilization was most severely affected.
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Shown here is the main civilization with its essential resources: Power and Utilities, Communictions, Food/Water, and infrastructure. The infrastructure is represented by the long thin cylindrical geometries
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In detail here is the main civil. broken down.The torus occupying the left half of the screen represents the cycle of the power grid. The green torus and its "field" represent the agricultural status and cycle. The silver torus represents the communication capability and cycle.
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This view shows the Agricultural field status. The size of the ag. field in comparison to the civilization it supports suggests what percentage of crops are grown and consumed locally.
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Here we get our first look at the severity of damage done to this isolated community. Amidst the haze of digital ambiguity, a ring representing a small community, is evident. The infrastructure connecting it to the nearest and only other community is badly compromised if not destroyed.
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Here we can see a specific point at which roadways, phone lines, waterways, etc. loose integrity.
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This and the next image represent a satalite uplink for coms. Such a setup suggests that other methods of communication were not feasible as a cost effective means of com as no other com infrastructure exists. From this we can deduce that the civilization reprsented is located in a geographically formidable region.
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Here we see that neighboring communities have already sent shipments of supplies to aid the situation.
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The speckled color of the adjacent town shows that its resources are in flux if not boardering on exhaustion.
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This slide shows International Relief Resources in place and ready for disposal once the details have been verified.

This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.