=========================================================================== TECH TEST 0403: GEOTAGGING IMAGES DOC AUTH: birch ============================================================================ 1. Description added to image with imagewalker Geotag added with opanda powerexif refs: Imagewalker OPANDA IEXIF plugin ======================================================================== < embedded in frog image > HELLO TIM. I AM A FROG FROM THE PLANET KUSBAINE. DO YOU HAVE ANY PUDDING ? To geotag this image, you have to add the following EXIF gps headers using , in this case , Opanda Power Exif editor GPS Version ID = Version 2.2 GPS Latitude Ref = North latitude GPS Latitude = 39°54'56" GPS Longitude Ref = East longitude GPS Longitude = 116°23'27" GPS Time Stamp = 18:07:37 UTC GPS Date Stamp = 2003-11-23 UTC Further testing shows do not need GPS Time Stamp or GPS Date Stampif you have added panda iexif plugin to YOUR web browser under windoz, you can right click on image to : 1 geolocate image in googoo maps, or 2 view the EXIF / GPS / IPTC RMF ( Headline , Caption ) data The caption description tag added in imagewalker is visible but not particularly legible due to no scrolling of text field. Recommend imagewalker for caption display as it is far more usable ======================================================================== 2. Google geotag added with iTag =========================================================================
Using ITAG to geocode with google earth coordinate system does not write information as per opanda gps tag Above image was further edited with panda editor to allow image display in goomaps using panda plugin ======================================================================== 3. Troubleshoot iTAg tag syntax =========================================================================
RED PIN Geocoded in itag from clipboard copy-paste of google earth placemark ONLY test1: Right click on saved image and bring up opanda iexif view, reveals following data has been written [GPS] GPS Version ID = Version 2.0 GPS Latitude Ref = North latitude GPS Latitude = 34°31'17.22" GPS Longitude Ref = East longitude GPS Longitude = 47°38'17.04" test2: Right click on saved image and try to geolocate in google maps using "locate by gps option" of opanda iexif >> Generates error message: - The image includes incorrect GPS information and it cannot be located. - If you want to add or modify GPS data, please use ... - end of red pin test - GREEN PIN Geocoded in iTag as per red pin GPS info encoded [GPS] GPS Version ID = Version 2.0 GPS Latitude Ref = North latitude GPS Latitude = 34°31'18.45" GPS Longitude Ref = East longitude GPS Longitude = 47°38'22.45" Still not recognised by iEXIF plugin for display in goomaps Switching to editor view shows : Entry Meaning Tag Type Count [GPS] GPS Version ID = Version 2.0 0000 BYTE 4 GPS Latitude Ref = North latitude 0001 ASCII 2 GPS Latitude = 34°31'18.45" 0002 SRATIONAL? 3 GPS Longitude Ref= East longitude 0003 ASCII 2 GPS Longitude = 47°38'22.45" 0004 SRATIONAL? 3 Comparing this to opanda supported geotagged image shows that data type for GPSLat and GPSlong should be RATIONAL not SRATIONAL? Edited these two fields to read RATIONAL and saved image ( still as green.jpg ) panda plugin reads exif tags : SUCCESS panda plugin can geolocate into googlemaps : SUCCESS - end of green pin test -